Where There's a Will, Theres (Not Always) a Way

One of the most dangerous misunderstandings of Estate Planning is the belief that all you need is a WILL (not true). Another common myth is that WILLs take care of everything and avoid Probate (hint: they don’t). If you have struggled understanding the difference between Wills and Trusts, Healthcare Directives and Power of Attorney forms, you are not alone. In this one-hour educational program, you will finally understand the difference between these and other estate planning documents (what you need and what you don’t), while also learning to avoid the most common—and costly—mistakes. Don’t let a MESS be your legacy. Come join us for a relaxed but thorough discussion on these and other estate planning fundamentals. Instructor is Jeff Litfin, Certified Estate Planner, GENERATIONS LEGAL SERVICES

When it comes to the topic of Estate Planning, people think they're an expert, but few actually are. Therefore, to ensure things go smoothly for your loves ones during a time of loss and confusion, you must be aware of these false assumptions and costly misunderstandings.

WILLs tend to be over sold, incorrectly utilized, and utterly misunderstood. For the sake of your heirs, it’s finally time to learn what a WILL does, and what a WILL doesn't do.

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